Some dates and events are subject to change. Please check out the event website before heading out to the event so you have all the information you need about parking, what you can and can't bring in, and lots of other important stuff. Watch this space for additional dates and events as we add them.
Friday-Sunday 24-26 June - Tuskegee Airmen Detroit River Days Airshow. See the team perform at low level over the Detroit River as a part of the airshow organized and produced by the Tuskegee Airmen National Historical Museum. Also performing will be Dr. Brian Smith in the museum's Tuskegee-flown T-6G, as well as Brett Hunter in his highly-modified Pitts S-2C and other performers to be announced. Flying is tentatively set to begin at 1:00 pm on Friday and 4:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Head to the Detroit River Days festival grounds for the best views. No other airshow in Michigan has even a quarter of its performers from Michigan. The Tuskegee show draws more than 75% of its performers from southeast Michigan and southwest Onrtario.
Monday July 4 - (Not yet confirmed) Independence Day Parades in Clawson (10:00 am) and Northville (10:30 am).
Sunday 28 August - Oakland County International Airport Open House - Oakland County International Airport (KPTK) - Airshow Team Director Steve Tupper will also serve as the announcer for the entire event.