Photo Gallery

Team Tuskegee performs its signature Stacked Landing. Approaching the runway in fingertip, the aircraft land in numbered order, one over the other.

The Team Tuskegee TG-7As live at Detroit City Airport in Detroit, Michigan.

A Team Tuskegee TG-7A flies over downtown Detroit with the Renaissance Center in the background.

John Harte flies Tuskegee 2 over Lake Erie en route to a show .

Here's a view of the office of a Team Tuskegee pilot in formation on the way to a show.

Team Tuskegee in fingertip getting ready to dive into the performance space for Detroit River Days.

A Team Tuskegee TG-7A doing element takeoffs and landings at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (KDTW).

Two TG-7As fly north of the team's home in Detroit.
The Team Tuskegee TG-7As ready to fly a demo. With a wingspan of 59.5 feet, the aircraft take up a lot of space. If that's good,put them all on your ramp. If that's not good, put one, two, or all three in the grass, Team Tuskegee brings turf-capable tiedowns to every show.

Team Tuskegee in an opposing pass over the Detroit River. Yellow longwings look great against a cobalt-blue sky.

Can you ever have enough yellow at your show? Here, a Team Tuskegee TG-7A awaits the next flight at Richmond Field.
Nothing looks better in a bank than a Team Tuskegee TG-7A. With 59.5 feet of yellow wingspan, they're dramatic and graceful. Here, pilot Steve Tupper cranks it over at Scott AFB in Belleville, Illinois.

Nobody flies more media and VIPs than Team Tuskegee. With two seats in every aircraft, Team Tuskegee fills the extra seats on each sortie with as many media personalities, VIPs, and others as possible. On one-spip flights, the rider can even take the stick and fly the aircraft!

The only thing better than a yellow motorglider in the sky? Three yellow motorgliders, all in formation!
Team Tuskegee flies kids every chance it gets. The team hosts six Young Eagles rallies each year and gives hundreds of kids their first flight in an aircraft, often with the kid operating the flight controls for more than half of the flight. Want to feel really, really good about where your airshow's money goes? It doesn't get any better than this!

Team Tuskegee Comes to Fly
Team Tuskegee's aircraft are stunning additions to your show. Check out these images from both in the air and on the ground.
Each image that does not bear a commercial photographer's watermark is authorized for editorial use.